EDT: Best Data Quality of the Decade

Europea de Titulización recognised by European DataWarehouse as the best data provider of the last ten years

The prestigious and first European securitisation repository, European DataWarehouse GmbH (EDW), presented the inaugural Data Quality Awards at its tenth anniversary ceremony in Frankfurt on 14 November 2022; these awards were presented for the first time this year but will be annual from 2023 onwards and will be presented at the annual German Securitisation Congress (TSI) in Berlin.

The event featured presentations by Dr. Joachim Nagel, President of the Deutsche Bundesbank and Mr. José Manuel González-Páramo, President of EDW. In their presentations they both reviewed the last ten years of the securitisation market and specifically highlighted the importance of transparency for securitisation to continue playing a key role as a financing mechanism for the real economy.

At the end of these presentations EDW unveiled the winners of its first annual DATA QUALITY awards:

  • Best Data Quality of the Decade (2012-2022): Europea de Titulización, S.A., S.G.F.T.
  • Best Data Quality – Deal of the Year (2021-2022): Intesa Sanpaolo S.p.A.

EdT has the honour to receive perhaps the most important award as it recognises the reporting work of a whole decade and underlines the vision, focus and commitment that the Management Company has looked for, always trying to provide the best and highest quality data so that securitisation continues to be a key financing and capital management mechanism for our clients.

Europea de Titulización

December 2022


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