BBVA Leasing 3 Fondo de Titulización

Basic information

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Type File
Offering Circular
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Year File
2023 Report
Constitution date 11.27.2023
Securitised assets Finance lease receivables
Originator BBVA
Bond Issue Emisión de Bonos
Total issue amount 2,400,000,000 EUR
Issue date 11.27.2023
Rating agencies DBRS
Lead Manager and Suscriber BBVA
Bond Paying Agent BBVA
Series A
Issue amount 2,064,000,000 EUR
Interest Rate Index Fixed
Rating DBRS AA (sf)
Rating Moody´s Aa3 (sf)
Series B
Issue amount 336,000,000 EUR
Interest Rate Index Fixed
Rating DBRS CCC (sf)
Rating Moody´s B1 (sf)
Treasury Account BBVA
Financial Structuring BBVA
Legal Adviser J&A Garrigues
Financial Swap BBVA
Securitised Assets Auditor Deloitte
Fund Auditor KPMG Auditores
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