EdT FTPYME Pastor 3 Fondo de Titulización de Activos

Basic information

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Type File
Offering Circular

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Year File
2023 Report
2022 Report
2021 Report
2020 Report
Constitution date 12.05.2005
Securitised assets SME Loans
Originator Banco Pastor
Bond Issue
Total issue amount 520,000,000 EUR
Issue date 12.12.2005
Rating agencies Moody´s
Lead Managers Banco Pastor
Deutsche Bank
JP Morgan
Bond Underwriters and Placement Agents Banco Pastor
Deutsche Bank
JP Morgan
Banco Santander
Bond Paying Agent Société Générale
Series A1 Amortised
Issue amount 365,900,000 EUR
Interest Rate Index 3-M Euribor
Margin +0.09%
Rating Moody´s Aaa (sf)
Rating S&P AAA (sf)
Series A2(G) Amortised
Issue amount 100,000,000 EUR
Interest Rate Index 3-M Euribor
Margin +0.03%
Guarantee Spanish State
Rating Moody´s Aaa (sf)
Rating S&P AAA (sf)
Series B Amortised
Issue amount 38,700,000 EUR
Interest Rate Index 3-M Euribor
Margin +0.07%
Guarantee European Investment Fund
Rating Moody´s Aa2 (sf)
Rating S&P AAA (sf)
Series C
Issue amount 15,400,000 EUR
Interest Rate Index 3-M Euribor
Margin +2.50%
Rating Moody´s No rated
Rating S&P AAA (sf)
Treasury Account Banco Santander
Financial Swap Cecabank
Financial Structuring Banco Pastor
JP Morgan
Legal Adviser Lovells
Securitised Assets Auditor Ernst & Young
Fund Auditor KPMG Auditores
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